Share of Voice
Last updated on Friday, November 24, 2023
Share of Voice is an excellent way to evaluate your SEO efforts. This metric combines monthly searches with your rankings, to give an accurate representation of how you are performing in the organic search market.
What is Share of Voice and how is it calculated?
Share of Voice (SoV) is an indicator of how your most important keywords are performing. All keywords that rank between positions 1 to 20 are used for the calculation. The average CTR for the position is multiplied by the search volume of each keyword, allowing you to see if high traffic keywords are losing or gaining ranks.
Branded keywords
When using Share of Voice, it is important to keep in mind that brand specific keywords might affect the results.
Keywords such as your brand name have a tendency to rank as number one. In most cases, your competitors won’t optimise to rank for other brand names. Furthermore, the click-through-rates (CTR) for brand searches are very different.
Because of this, we have included an option to exclude certain keywords from Share of Voice in the keyword settings:

What options are available in the Share of Voice overview?
A graph for your Share of Voice can be found in the keywords overview:

Let’s walk through the details:
Share of Voice shows graphs for your mobile and desktop keywords, with current data showing on the right hand side. If you only want to see data from mobile keywords for example, you can click on the small dots above the graph to filter for certain devices.
To the right of the graph, you can click on your competitors’ domains to see how their SoV compares to yours.
In the top right corner, you can select which date intervals you want to see data for. To compare exact numbers, hover your mouse over any date as illustrated in the screenshot above.
What is Share of Voice Pro? (1000+ Keyword Plans)
Customers with subscriptions including 1,000 keywords or more have the added benefit of even deeper Share of Voice data that extends the overview and keywords list.

Share of Voice Competitors – Shows both you and your competitors’ Share of Voice, as well as the untracked SoV.
Share of Voice Tags – Displays SoV data for all your tags, assuming you use our tagging feature.
Share of Voice Landing Pages – Shows Share of Voice figures for the combined total of keywords pointing to your Landing Pages.
Share of Voice Pro – Keywords List
Additionally, you now have the option to add SoV data for individual keywords.
SoV is short for Share of Voice. Enabling this will show you the Share of Voice for individual keywords, in the keywords table.
SoV $ is the average cost-per-click (CPC) multiplied by your SoV.
To add these tables to your keywords list, go to ‘table settings’ and enable them.

AccuRanker offers multiple other metrics to monitor the value of your SEO efforts. Read more about Average Ranking.
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